Abu Dhabi to Al Ghubaiba Bus Timings | E100 Bus Route

Abu Dhabi to Al Ghubaiba Bus Timings

You can choose the E100 bus to go from Abu Dhabi to Al Ghubaiba Bus Station 9. Knowing the E100 bus timings to travel in this comfortable bus is important. E100 bus departs from Abu Dhabi, Central Bus Station 1 to Al Ghubaiba Bus Station 9, Dubai from 04:20 AM to 11:50 PM. It is said to be a cheap and comfortable journey from Abu Dhabi to Dubai. You will be informed here about Abu Dhabi to Al Ghubaiba bus timings bus timings, fares, bus stops, bus features, and fare payment methods.

E100 Bus Overview

The E100 bus route offers an easy way to travel from Abu Dhabi to Al Ghubaiba Bus Station 9. Below, you’ll find a summary of important information, including travel times, fares, distances, and first and last bus departures. Please connect to the information below for a more detailed review of the E100 bus.

First Bus DepartsFrom Central Bus Station at (04:20 AM)
Last Bus DepartsFrom Central Bus Station at (11:50 PM)
Last Bus Stop NameAl Ghubaiba Bus Station 9
Bus Travel TimeApproximately 2.15 hours
RouteCentral Bus Stn 1 to Al Ghubaiba Bus Station
Distance149 Kilometers
Bus Fare25 AED (Pay with NOL Card)
Total Stops04 Stops
E100 Bus Overview

Above we brought you a brief E100 bus review. You must have read but now we will share with you more information about Central Bus Stn 1 to Al Ghubaiba Bus Station in detail in this below article. Without delay let’s go and get more E100 bus information.

Abu Dhabi to Al Ghubaiba Bus Station Stops & Timings

The first stop of the E100 bus route is Abu Dhabi Central Bus Station and the last stop is Al Ghubaiba Bus Station. The first E100 bus from Abu Dhabi Central Bus Station departs at 4:20 AM and the last bus leaves for Al Ghubaiba Bus Station at 11:30 PM. Listed below are the names of the stops and the timings of the E100 bus during this journey.

Dubai to Abu Dhabi Bus Maps

Abu Dhabi to Al Ghubaiba Bus Timings

Know the Abu Dhabi to Dubai Monday to Friday E100 bus timetable:

Monday to Friday Bus Timings
Bus TimesBus Freq
4:20 AM – 6:00 AMEvery 20 minutes
6:00 AM – 10:00 PMEvery 30 minutes
10:00 PM – 11:50 PMEvery 20 minutes
11:50 PMAfter that, there is no bus.
E100 Bus Monday to Friday Bus Timings

Know the Abu Dhabi to Dubai Saturday and Sunday e100 bus timetable:

Saturday and Sunday Bus Timings
Bus TimesBus Freq
4:20 AM – 6:00 AMEvery 20 minutes
6:00 AM – 10:00 PMEvery 30 minutes
10:00 PM – 12:15 AMEvery 20 minutes
12:15 AMAfter that, there is no bus.
E100 Bus Saturday and Sunday Bus Timings

Abu Dhabi to Al Ghubaiba E100 Bus Stop Names

E100 bus will make 4 stops on this journey. Usually, this bus stops for 2 minutes at these stops. Meanwhile, you can see the beauty of this stop. Below are the names of all the stops on this journey.

No#Bus Stop Names
01Abu Dhabi, Central Bus Station 1
02Abu Dhabi, Shahama Village
03Abu Dhabi, Samha 1
04Al Ghubaiba Bus Station 9
Abu Dhabi to Al Ghubaiba E100 Bus Stop Names

E100 Bus Fare & Features

The bus fare from Abu Dhabi to Al Ghubaiba is only 25 AED. You can pay this fare with the help of an NOL card. E100 Bus fare cannot be paid with cash. Recharge your NOL card from your nearest metro bus station or Vending machine. It is mandatory to check your NOL card balance before traveling on E100 buses.

Get from Abu Dhabi to Al Ghubaiba faster

If you are looking for the fastest way to get from Abu Dhabi to Al Ghubaiba, you should take a taxi. There are a few apps that you can use to go from Abu Dhabi to Al Ghubaiba by taxi. Such as InDrive, Yango, Cream, and Uber etc. Apart from this, one can travel by hiring a taxi from any nearby hotel in Abu Dhabi or outside the market.

Features in E100 Bus

  • Bus tracking facility
  • Have a clean trip
  • Comfortable Seats
  • Air-conditioned facility in summer
  • Get 24/7 customer service support
  • Reserved seats for women and children
  • Wi-Fi services are provided free of charge
  • Watch custom programs on the onboard display
RTA Icon

Dubai Rta Customer Care Number

RTA team contact hours are Monday to Thursday from 7:30 am to 3:30 pm and Friday from 8:00 am to 12:30 pm anytime. Roads and Transport Authority –  Dubai 600525252 and 065033333 or visit website https://www.rta.ae.


How much is the Abu Dhabi to Al Ghubaiba bus fare?

The bus fare from Abu Dhabi to Al Ghubaiba is only 25 AED. You can pay this fare with the help of an NOL card.

What are the first and last E100 bus times?

The E100 bus operates from 4:20 AM to 11:30 PM on weekdays (Monday to Friday) and from 4:20 AM to 12:15 AM on weekends (Saturday and Sunday).

What are the Abu Dhabi to Al Ghubaiba Distance & arrival hours?

The Total Distance from Abu Dhabi to Al Ghubaiba is 149 KM which is covered by E100 buses in total 2:15 hours.

What transport can I use to travel from Abu Dhabi to Al Ghubaiba?

You can use different modes of transport to travel from Abu Dhabi to Al Ghubaiba. If your budget is high, you can plan your trip by getting services like taxi, Uber, or Cream. If you are on a tight budget, you can use the E100 bus.